What are the factors that affect the deep processing accuracy of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets?

发布于: 2023-04-11 10:14
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The factors that affect the processing accuracy of magnets are closely related to processing equipment, tools, processing techniques, and the technical level of operators. In addition, the microstructure of the material also has a significant impact on the machining accuracy of the magnet. For example, magnets with coarse main phase grains are prone to pitting on the machined surface; Magnets with abnormal grain growth inside are prone to ant pits on the machined surface; Magnets with uneven density, composition, and orientation have uneven chamfer sizes; Magnets with high oxygen content have high brittleness and are prone to edge collapse and corner drop during machining; Magnets with coarse main phase grains and uneven distribution of rich Nd phases have poorer adhesion between the uniform electroplating coating and the substrate, uniformity of coating thickness, and corrosion resistance compared to magnets with small main phase grains and uniform distribution of rich Nd phases. In order to obtain sintered Nd-Fe-B magnet products with high geometric accuracy, it is necessary for material manufacturing engineers, machining engineers, and users to fully communicate and cooperate.



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